Concert tomorrow - June 15th - Kendal Parish Church

Type of post: Orchestra news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Georgina Perkins
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 14 Jun 2024
A reminder that tomorrow sees the last concert of our season, tickets will be available on the door and we look forward to seeing you there!
The Westmorland Orchestra is delighted to be making use of the organ at Kendal Parish Church. With popular local organist Andy Plowman the orchestra will be performing the powerful, instantly recogniseable and ever-popular organ symphony - Symphony No. 3 - by Saint Saens.
The programme also features Wagner's  Tristan und Isolde ‘Prelude and Liebestod' and balanced by Edvard Grieg's Norwegian Dances.
The will also be an organ solo - the opening movement to Widor's organ symphony No. 5.
Kendal Parish Church, Kirkland Kendal, LA9 5AF at 7.30 pm, Saturday June 15th 2024.
Tickets are £15,  free for young people..