Patrons’ and Subscribers’ Scheme

How the scheme works

Patrons and Subscribers buy tickets and choose their seats for the season’s of three concerts before tickets are made available to the general public. Where possible all requests for particular seats are met.

Both Patrons and Subscribers buy their tickets at the reduced price of £13.50 per ticket compared with £15 for the general public. To become a Patron we ask that you make a donation, eligible for “gift aid”, of at least £20 in addition to the cost of the tickets.

Patrons’ names are published in the concert programmes and they receive an invitation to reception with the orchestra following one of the concerts.

Tickets are sent out to Patrons and Subscribers in the Autumn in advance of the first of the Season’s concerts.

If you, or you know of anyone who you think may like to become a Patron or a Subscriber please ask them to contact our Secretary.